Counseling Center
College can generate academic, emotional, personal, social, and even financial concerns. Although not uncommon, at times these concerns can make it difficult to succeed or function while at school. Counseling is an excellent way to address such concerns.
Counseling Services
Counseling provides a safe and structured environment in which students can explore various aspects of their emerging adult lives - independence, values, personal goals, intimacy and friendship.
Our professionally trained counselors work with students whose concerns range from the every day challenges of college life to more disruptive psychological issues. Students wondering whether their concerns are appropriate to bring to the Center are strongly encouraged to make an appointment to talk with one of our staff.
We're happy to announce that expanded virtual mental health care is now available to all students, in partnership with telemental health provider, Mantra Health.
Using Mantra’s telehealth platform, students can sign up for video calls with a therapist through a secure Patient Portal. As a current student, the first 6 visits are free. After that, the cost associated with an appointment will be dependent upon the student’s current health insurance plan.
Mantra has a directory of licensed masters level therapists available to support students through video and messaging services. Students will be able to select the provider that is right for them by providing details about their gender ID, ethnicity, sexual orientation and more. This is an additional resource that does not require a referral from the Washington College Counseling Center.
That means students can go directly into the portal to request an appointment at their convenience. This is in addition to the services already offered to students through the Counseling Center Team.
Crisis Services
If you’re experiencing suicidal thoughts, are having trouble completing daily tasks, or are facing an acute stressor that threatens the safety of yourself or others, we’ll get you in for a same-day emergency appointment.
Important Policy Changes:
We have updated our emotional support animal and medical leave policies. Click below to view them.
Policy Changes
Taking a Leave of Absence to Address your Mental Health Challenges: What You Need to Know
When a person is in the midst of dealing with a serious mental health problem, sometimes going to school and caring for themselves can be too much to handle. It's important to know what options are available to make becoming mentally healthy again a top priority--this may mean needing to leave school for a while, or taking a Leave of Absence.
What is a Leave of Absence?
A Leave of Absence is a period of time when a student is not on campus attending classes. Because we understand that other things may come up for students, there are procedures that allow them time away when needed.
When should I consider a Leave of Absence?
You may consider a Leave of Absence if:
Your mental health is disrupting your ability to participate in academic and campus life, even with supports and accommodations.
You feel you are in crisis or that your level of distress is becoming intolerable.
You believe the stress and pressure of college is seriously disrupting your ability to focus on your well-being.
You feel you need an increased level of care.
You are not able to access the services you need at Washington College.
You feel that time away from classes would be beneficial for your long-term wellbeing.
How will taking a Leave of Absence affect me?
It depends. Often, students who believe the stress or environment at school has been detrimental to their mental health and/or believe they would benefit from time away will take a Leave of Absence. This time allows them to focus their energy and efforts on attending to their psychological wellbeing and self-care so that they will be better able to participate and enjoy campus life when they return. Many who take Leaves of Absence report the time was useful and, although it may have been a difficult decision, helped them in the long-term.
While this option can be very helpful for some, not all students feel it is best to take a complete Leave of Absence. For some, the option of returning home might present different challenges, and they may feel more comfortable in a school setting. If you are already working with a counselor in the counseling office, discussing the options is a good place to start.
The Provost's Office is also able to help you make a plan to move forward. Some important questions to ask include:
"What are my options"?
What are the specific requirements and documentation that I will need to file and when are the deadlines?
How will this impact my financial aid?
Are there any requirements that I must satisfy during my Leave?
Will I need to reapply to the college?
What are my rights?
Students with disabilities, including those related to mental health, have a right to reasonable accommodations relative to their disability. This includes extra time on exams or assignments, the ability to withdraw from specific classes, and leaves of absence. You should contact our Office of Disabilities Services to ask about accommodations. They will explain what documentation is required about your disability and how it affects your schoolwork. You can find more information about your rights, particularly surrounding involuntary leaves of absence, from the Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law’s Campus Mental Health Know Your Rights (pdf).
Where do I start?
Reach out for help to those who can help you on campus Let those around you know you are struggling.
While talking about your mental health can feel scary, a counselor in the Office of Counseling Services, a trusted friend, family member, or advisor can support you and help you determine the best course of action.
Discuss your options
Review any potential changes to your current and future enrollment status. This could be extensions of assignments, taking an Incomplete for certain classes so that you may finish the work after the semester ends, dropping classes, or taking some time away from school completely. (The Provost's Office and the Office of Disabilities Services) Only you, with the help and guidance of those around you, know what is best when it comes to taking care of yourself.
Make and formalize a plan
After deciding on a course of treatment, and any changes in your status at school, you should make a formal plan for moving forward. Please refer to the college Student Handbook for important information about our Leave of Absence policy and disability accommodations. You will find instruction on how to provide certain documentation or satisfy certain requirements for your return to school as a full-time student. These can be found by searching our website, but you will also receive written confirmation from various offices outlining the documentation needed to return when you are ready.
Students will occasionally request that the Office of Counseling Services (OCS) licensed, professional staff provide them the documentation necessary to receive a recommendation for an emotional support animal (ESA) as an accessibility accommodation. Accessibility accommodations are legally binding for the College, and because it mixes clinical and forensic roles, professional counseling center staff will not assess (diagnose?) a disability as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), nor will they specifically endorse a request for accessibility accommodations.
The approval for an ESA requires a diagnosis of a psychological or physical disability. Diagnosis leading to a recommendation for an ESA depends on a recognizable degree of impairment in key areas of life functioning. Additionally, there needs to be an evaluation of how a particular ESA helps mitigate specific symptoms and improve functioning in ways that otherwise would not be achievable. For students who are in college housing on campus, the recommendation for assessment can be initiated by the OCS, but will get final approval by the Disability Access Specialist in the Office of Academic Skills.
Individuals who visit the OCS services for the express purpose of obtaining accessibility accommodations, will be offered a referral to a community provider.
If an ongoing client requests, in writing, that clinical information be shared with the Disability Access Specialist in the Office of Academic Skills. (or similar provider/entity off campus), this request shall be honored. Clinicians should provide a summary of the student's file while ensuring that they do not advocate for or endorse a specific accessibility accommodation or the need for accommodations in general.
Important numbers
Hilary Bateman, Director of the Office of Disabilities Services and Academic Skills: 410-778-6384 Hbateman2FREEwashcoll%20
Alex Crabtree, Disability Access Specialist: 410-810-5799 Acrabtree2FREEwashcoll
Miranda Altman, Director of the Office of Counseling Services: 410-778-7261 Maltman2FREEwashcoll
Scope of Services
Washington College’s Counseling Center is structured to provide short term counseling focused on the following areas:
- Adjustment issues
- Difficulty coping with emotions (e.g., depression, anxiety, anger)
- Interpersonal and relationship difficulties
- Health-related concerns (sexuality, alcohol, problems with eating or sleeping)
- Concerns about academic issues (e.g., poor motivation, concentration problems, test anxiety)
- Stressful/traumatic experiences (e.g., financial/legal problems, conflicts among roommates, friends, or family members, death of friend/family members).
For over 90% of the students we see, their personal problems have at least a moderate impact on their studies, even when academic concerns are not the main issue for which they sought help.
The duration of treatment varies according to students’ needs, but counselors work to provide relatively brief treatment in order to facilitate adjustment, successful functioning, problem resolution, and symptom relief as soon as possible. A short-term approach also enables the Center to offer services to as many students as possible. All services are provided without charge to students and are confidential. All information remains in the Center and is not shared with parents, faculty or other staff of the College without written permission from the student.
Other Services
Research and our own experience reveals the power of group counseling in addressing many of the most common core themes and clinical concerns found in a college setting. Throughout the academic year, you will receive announcements about new groups that are forming. If you have an idea for a particular group, please feel free to let us know!
Faculty, staff and family members are often in a unique position to assist students in distress. Unfortunately, many students fail to get the professional help they need. The Counseling Center staff welcomes the opportunity to consult with families or members of the campus community to assist you in your work and interactions with students.
- when students are thinking about harming themselves or others,
- when students feel unable to function,
- when students have experienced a traumatic event, or
- when members of the campus community are seriously concerned about a student’s welfare or safety.
If the emergency is life-threatening, call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.
Counseling Services and the Psychology Department have teamed up to launch a new student support program called WAC-squared, or Washington College Wellness Advocacy Coaching. Under this innovative program, students are trained as coaches and available to listen to and support their peers at a higher level. The key difference between existing supports from the Peer Mentors and RA’s and this additional layer of frontline support is that the Wellness Advocacy Coaches – WACs – are trained in mental health first aid. WACs coaches are certified as mental health first aid providers.
Students are welcome to drop-in to talk with a WAC on Monday, Wednesday or Thursday evenings from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. The coaches have an office on the first floor of Hodson, where the Student Events Board is located. Students can also call the office, but the phone line is only staffed during these same in-person hours and is not set up for voicemails. The phone number is 410-778-6118.
Read our WAC's bios, below!
Alex Papadopoulos: My name is Alex Papadopoulos, and I am currently a senior working towards my major in psychology (clinical counseling) and a minor in philosophy. Ever since I was young and thought about what I wanted to do in life, I knew I wanted to help people around me. When I heard about WAC squared, I knew it was for me in being able to be a lending ear for others or direct towards more resources. I am very big into physical fitness and the influence between the mind and body health. I believe we should allow ourselves to have more time to decompress and have that "me time." One tip that I will give to others in what has helped me in the past is meditation, as it allows for a time for self-reflection.
Austen Markus: I'm Austen Markus (they/them), a Clinical/Counseling Psychology major and Sociology minor here at Washington College. I joined the WAC program to help bridge the gap between students and campus resources, knowing from my own experiences how disorienting it can be to seek help while juggling classes, clubs, and your personal life. My focuses are on LGBTQ+ health and mindfulness approaches. A wellness tip I like to share is exploring flow arts as a decompression technique (http://flowartsinstitute.com/about-us/what-is-flow-arts/). Juggling, hooping, and embodied dance are all powerful ways to take control over anxious responses and refocus the mind. When I'm not working as a Wellness Advocacy Coach or participating in student life, I'm often found hanging out with my ESA cat, Uno.
Maddi Krivda: I'm Maddi Krivda (she/her), a clinical/counseling psychology major with minors in sociology and art here at Washington College. I became a wellness advocacy coach to help de-stigmatize mental health challenges here on campus and help students feel more validated with any distress they may be feeling. I focus on anxiety, academic/social pressure, and grounding tips. When I'm not working as a WAC, I tutor students in psychology or working/studying in the Miller Library, or watching crime/reality shows. I tell everyone always to take the time to do something for themselves, whether watching an episode of your favorite show or taking a nice walk. Try to include something you enjoy in your day to keep you feeling energized and motivated.
Lauryn Konieczka: Hi! I'm Lauryn Konieczka (she/her), a junior Psychology major with a concentration in Clinical/Counseling and a Sociology minor. I decided to become a WAC because mental health is more important now than it ever was. The transition from virtual learning to being back in person is a huge change that brings about many challenges for most (if not all) students, and I'm really looking forward to helping other students as much as I can! My focus areas are stress and anxiety coping and mindfulness. A wellness tip I like to share is coloring! Coloring relaxes the amygdala and reduces the thoughts of a restful mind, and is a great strategy to promote relaxation. Along with being a Wellness Advocacy Coach, I am also a sister of Alpha Chi Omega and a George's General!
Anna Miller: Hi! My name is Anna Miller. I am a Sophomore here at Washington College. I am fairly local to Chestertown. I am on the swimming team, and I am still undecided on my major (which is totally okay). I joined the WAC program because I want to help students feel comfortable and safe when talking about anything that is on their minds. I believe that spreading kindness and helping others is extremely important, especially in a college setting. My interest areas are mental and physical health awareness. A wellness tip that I like and participate in often is taking a few minutes out of each day to remind myself what I am thankful for. This brings me back to a positive state when I am feeling overwhelmed and stressed.
Kayleigh Maimone: My name is Kayleigh Maimone, and I am a junior Biology major on the Pre-Med track
with Hispanic Studies and Psychology minors. I became a Wellness Advocacy Coach because
I wanted to learn how to better support individuals who are experiencing a mental
health challenge. I am also especially interested in helping to plan a variety of
wellness events for students throughout the semester. I am looking forward to collaborating
with the other Wellness Advocacy Coaches as we strive to normalize seeking mental
health support and helping to eradicate the stigma behind doing so. In order to take
care of my own mental health, I do my best to make sure I am getting enough sleep.
I also enjoy running and practicing yoga with online resources such as Yoga with Adriene
(http://www.youtube.com/c/yogawithadriene). In addition to being a Wellness Advocacy Coach, I am also involved in Zeta Tau Alpha,
the Student Events Board, and Fetching Freedom.
James Williams: I'm James Williams (he/him), a Clinical/Counseling Psychology and Sociology Double major here at Washington College. I joined the WAC program because I saw a need for diversity in mental health spaces due to my own experience understanding how isolating college at a PWI can be. My focus is on diversity and, more particularly, de-stigmatizing mental health in black and brown communities. A great wellness tip I try to utilize daily is practicing gratitude. Fun facts: I'm from Long Beach, California, and I own a clothing brand.
What is Mantra Health?
Washington College partners with Mantra Health, a telemental health service, to make sure you have access to mental health care through the school. By enrolling in Mantra, you can connect to licensed masters level therapists to address your specific needs through video and messaging, at your convenience. Your therapist will work with you to establish a personalized treatment plan, which may include lifestyle changes, evidence based therapy, and tools to track your progress. The College will cover the first six sessions for free if you are located in the state of Maryland.
Important: Mantra Health is not an emergency or crisis resource. If you are experiencing a crisis, please go to your local emergency department or dial 911 for immediate assistance.
How can I work with Mantra?
- Sign up for Mantra by going to app.mantrahealth.com
- Create your account using your Washington College email address.
- Complete the onboarding tasks in your Patient Portal, which takes about 10 minutes, and schedule your first appointment. Be sure to do this before your appointment - this helps your therapist focus the time spent with you on discussing your goals and establishing a treatment plan that’s right for you.
- Join your first scheduled appointment with your therapist through the Mantra Patient Portal.
Already have an account?
If you already signed up, you can log into your account at app.mantrahealth.com using your Washington College email address.
Have questions?
We’re here to help! Reach out to us at [email protected] or call 800-464-2083.
Common Therapy Misconceptions
Yes, counseling can help people with severe emotional problems. However, students seek counseling for a broad range of issues that may include personal development, stress management, or life circumstance problems.
All counseling services are confidential. The Counseling Center will not release information about students to family members, potential employers, or government agencies without a student’s written permission except where required by law, to protect the student or others from physical danger, or upon court order. No record of counseling is contained in any academic, educational, or job placement file.
The counselor is sensitive to the fact that any problem you are experiencing is important to you and is subjectively distressing to you. Depending on the type or severity of the problem, counseling can be very brief or take place over a period of time.
There is nothing weak about participating in counseling. In fact, entering counseling can be the first step in confronting and solving difficulties, which is, in fact, a courageous thing to do.
Counselors are trained to be sensitive to and respectful and valuing of diversity including individual differences related to gender, race/ethnicity, religion, age, sexual orientation, and socioeconomic status. Your counselor may not have had the same experiences as you, but will be compassionate, respectful, and unconditionally supportive.
Additional Resources
The Office of Counseling Services: 410-778-7261
Title IX Coordinator: 410-778-7425
Public Safety: 410-778-7810
988 Suicide and Crisis Hotline: If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis,
help is available. Call or text 988 or chat 988lifeline.org
Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255 (TALK) or text “HOME” to 741741. If you would like to talk to someone who is a minority, text “STEVE” to 741741.
Hope Line: click here or 1-800-784-2433
Eastern Shore Crisis Response: click here